Wedding ceremonies were held in the ground floor of the Mazhaus - a charming Gothic column vaulted hall, which is the largest preserved secular room of the high Gothic style in Bohemia. Now, the Mazhaus serves as an entrance area for wedding guests from Charles Square.
The administrative work associated with wedding ceremonies is provided by:
Odbor matrik MČ Praha 2
nám. Míru 20, 120 00 Praha 2
Contact phone: 236 044 121, 236 044 122
Marriages can be concluded at the New Town Hall on the days set for ceremonies: the first and third Thursday of the month, every Friday of the month, except for the month of May, when the ceremonies are held only every Friday. The ceremonies are free on these set days. Other ceremony days are the first or third Saturday of the month. An administrative fee of CZK 3,000 is paid for permission to conclude a wedding ceremony on these days. If capacity is possible, permission to enter into a marriage outside the specified time may be issued, for which an administrative fee of CZK 3.000 is paid.
For each wedding ceremony, 6 parking spaces are available in front of the town hall for the duration of the wedding ceremony. There is an opportunity to perform live organ music.
In the capital city of Prague, a registered partnership may be concluded only in front of the registry office of Prague 1, if at least one of the persons entering the partnership has a permanent residence in Prague.
Welcoming of new born citizens at the New Town Hall
If you are among the happy parents of newly born children living in Prague 2 and want to attend the welcoming of new born citizens, which is also held in the ceremonial hall on the first floor, you can put in an application with your baby!
The application can be made by mail or e-mail to Mrs. Tereza Urbánková in the Department of Mayor's Office and External Relations of Prague 2 at náměstí Míru 20, 120 39 Praha 2.
Phone: 236 044 165, E-mail address:
Welcoming of new born citizens takes place in the ceremonial hall of the New Town Hall.
Neptune at the New Town Hall
The statue of fine sandstone created in 1875-1877 by the sculptor Bohuslav Schnirch at the design of the architect Jan Vorlíček has been a decoration of the entrance hall of the New Town Hall since January 2015.
Since May 2015 (every Tuesday between 14:00 and 16:00), the statue can be seen free of charge by the public. The entry is through the foyer at the reception.
The statue, which together with the fountain formed a compact set of garden architecture and was put in front of an artificial grotto in Havlíček Gardens in Vinohrady, Prague, disappeared from Grébovka at the end of the 1970s. After a long search, it was eventually discovered in the garden of the fortified house of Třebotov.
In the summer of 2014, academic sculptor Vojtěch Adamec, who also produced two copies of the statue, was entrusted with the restoration of the statue. One replica is currently back in Havlíček Gardens again, and the other one was taken by Jan Sedláček, who once bought the statue without realizing that it was a lost, possibly stolen piece of work.
Just before the end of the year, December 30, 2014, following the decision of the Department of Monument Care of the City of Prague, the original sculpture was moved to the New Town Hall in Karlovo Square before it finds its permanent place in the Lapidarium of the National Gallery.
A discussion is being held about who the statue depicts, and it will be necessary to wait for the conclusions following a thorough professional assessment: The most important thing now is that it has been saved, restored and preserved for future generations.